As IPHI celebrates its 15th anniversary, our current and former employees and peers reflect on their experiences with IPHI!
Employee Dwyan Monroe
Past: What’s your best IPHI memory?
The day that I was hired as a full-time employee. I was a consultant with our sister organization for about 6 months. Every month, I would email the CEO to see if there was an opportunity to work full-time. This was the dream position for me to be able to work in the field that I loved and have been in for the past 30 years. When I finally got the call to come in just for an interview, I was extremely excited to sit down with the CEO. During our interview, the director discussed my interests in creating a new position, what I could contribute to the position and the organization. By the time we were done, we created a page and 1/2 of tasks, responsibilities, and roles that I could do to support IPHI. I was hired on July 1, 2013. That was one of the best days in my career in public health.
Present: What current project are you working on?
Currently, I am the Training Manager. I support and coordinate our CHW core skills competency, continuing education, team integration and supervisor training. We are in the third program year for our CHW Academy. We are also supporting Volunteers of America and the Prince George’s County Health Department Community Health Integrated Service Systems (CHISS) Programs. I’m also helping to support other organizations to train their CHWs through core skills and monthly continuing education programs to support CHW workforce development. Our biggest project is reorganizing and re-configuring our CHW Core Skills Curriculum to provide the best content and facilitated training for CHWs and future CHW state accreditations.
Future: What are your hopes and dreams for IPHI?
My number one hope and dream is to see our Zee Turner Center for the Community Health Workforce become a central hub for all community health worker workforce training, research, and advocacy.