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Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

Students, teachers, and staff at Gaithersburg Elementary School in Montgomery County participated in the National Walk to School Day in October 2019.

Increase the number of students in priority communities who walk or bike to school.

The SRTS strategy increased the number of Montgomery County students who walk or bike to school. The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) performed a walkability audit of all Montgomery County public schools to ensure students in the walk zone have a safe way to walk or bike to school. Through a partnership with MCDOT, TCI assessed SRTS within the county. Additionally, TCI collaborated with the MDCOT to develop and promote user-friendly SRTS maps for schools; increase the number of SRTS bicycle and pedestrian educational and safety trainings in priority ZIP codes; and increase collaboration for sustainability between Montgomery County Public Schools and the Department of Transportation for future SRTS programming.