Maintaining a vaccine schedule is critical to protecting Virginians from vaccine-preventable illnesses

For More Information, Contact: ImmunizeVA: Senior Program Manager Rebecca Epstein 804-269-8323 [email protected]
IPHI: Communications Director Taya Jarman, APR 202-747-3541 [email protected]
RICHMOND, Va. – ImmunizeVA, a statewide coalition of immunization stakeholders representing medical, public health, nonprofit professionals, and community leaders, urges Virginians to stay up-to-date on recommended vaccines to reduce the transmission of communicable diseases. August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), an annual opportunity to remind Virginians about the importance of staying on track with a vaccine schedule recommended by the Centers for Disease Control Prevention.
Raising the rates of routine vaccination for adults and children that have decreased over the past 5 years is essential for protecting individuals and communities from vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks, as seen with recent measles outbreaks across the East Coast, 1 as well as a recent meningococcal disease outbreak in Virginia from 2022-2024. 2
It is especially important that infants, small children, college students, seniors, and immunocompromised communities should be up-to-date on vaccinations. “Vaccines are critical to stopping the spread of illnesses and helping to keep communities safe and healthy. With Virginia children preparing to return to school and young adults leaving for college, August marks an important reminder to speak to medical professionals to maintain the recommended vaccine schedule,” said Rebecca Epstein, Senior Program Manager of ImmunizeVA.
Although kindergarten entry vaccination rates have improved since a notable decrease in 2021, there is still improvement to be made to ensure herd immunity in all communities. “I want all our kids to be safe from preventable disease while attending school. Keeping kids up to date on routine vaccines keeps preventable diseases out of our schools,” said Denise Kesler Olson, ImmunizeVA Steering Committee Chair and parent advocate.
Various vaccines are recommended for children and teens who require multiple doses at specific ages and times. Virginia’s school immunization requirements align with the recommended schedule from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American Academy of Pediatrics, and American Academy of Family Physicians. There are important vaccines for adults, including recently updated recommendations for certain vaccines like pneumococcal. Adults should receive an annual flu and booster shots every ten years to protect themselves from tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis. Talk to your medical provider to ensure you are current on your vaccines.
Most vaccines are free with Medicaid and other insurance plans. The Virginia Vaccines for Children program also provides vaccines at no cost to children for eligible caregivers. In the 30 years since the Vaccines for Children program was created by Congress, the vaccination of children born in the United States will prevent 472 million illnesses, 29.8 million hospitalizations and $2.2 trillion in total societal costs. 3
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About ImmunizeVA
ImmunizeVA is a statewide coalition of immunization stakeholders representing medical, public health, and nonprofit professionals, as well as parents and community members. Members are united in their commitment to the coalition’s vision of a future where the disease does not impact Virginians’ quality and length of life that immunizations could have prevented. We work together to improve immunization coverage across the Commonwealth. ImmunizeVA is an Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI) initiative. For more information on ImmunizeVA, visit: and follow ImmunizeVA on Facebook and Twitter @ImmunizeVa.
About the Institute for Public Health Innovation (IPHI)
IPHI develops multi-sector partnerships and innovative solutions to improve the public’s health and well-being across the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. IPHI’s work strengthens health systems and policy, enhances conditions that promote health, and builds community capacity to ensure equitable health opportunities. Nationally, IPHI is one of over 50 public health institutes and a member of the National Network of Public Health Institutes. For more information about IPHI, visit: and follow IPHI on social media @InstitutePHI.
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