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Public Health Infrastructure Grant



The Public Health Infrastructure Grant (PHIG) provides substantial resources to support and strengthen state and local health department capacity and impact through CDC funding.

The National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI) received CDC funding through the OE22-2203: Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems grant to provide technical assistance to state and local health departments (LHDs) using a “Hub and Spoke Model.” This model is a method to organize and distribute public health expertise, involving a central hub that coordinates and aligns training and technical assistance provided by spokes to health departments. NNPHI is partnering with nine regional Hubs to support a tailored technical assistance response. As the Region 3 Hub, Public Health Management Corporation (PHMC) subcontracted $250,000 to IPHI to serve as a spoke.

IPHI’s Role:
By mobilizing resources and expertise, IPHI will provide technical assistance and training to state and local health departments across Region 3, focusing on Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia.

IPHI will support state and LHDs in the following ways:

1. Tool Development & Sharing

  • Creating or distributing tools like toolkits, templates, and implementation guides.

2. Guidance

  • Providing advice through calls, meetings, or emails on program development, evaluation, and staffing solutions.

3. Training & Webinars

  • Offering both virtual and in-person training on various technical assistance topics. This support encompasses interactive workshops, webinars, and bite-sized training modules tailored to specific goals.

4. Needs-Based Assessments

  • Conducting assessments to identify problems, highlight priorities, and interpret results.

5. Connecting Networks

  • Facilitating peer-to-peer discussions about successes, challenges, and best practices to guide partners’ work.

To learn more about IPHI’s public health infrastructure support, please contact Senior Vice President Mike Royster at [email protected].